Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The No Non-Sense Guide to Florida Divorce Law, by Samuel Filler, Esquire

In the upcoming weeks, Samuel Filler, a highly experienced Divorce lawyer who has been practicing for over 15 years, will provide an in-depth analysis of the laws governing Florida Divorce Law demystifying the rhetoric and providing real life analysis, with real life practical insight. Samuel is dedicated to providing exceptional representation with the utmost level of professionalism and compassion. He understands the enormous responsibility that each and everyone of his client's has bestowed upon him to protect their children, their finances and their future, and takes great pride providing such essential counsel.

Florida Child Support Laws

Look for Samuel Filler's in-depth article on Florida Child Support Laws October 10th, 2011. Get the no non- sense inside facts on what are truly my obligations and what can I expect, from a highly experienced Florida Divorce attorney with over 15 years on experience.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Florida Parenting Plan

The Supreme Court of Florida has approved a Parenting Plan Form which will be accepted by all jurisdictions of Florida when entering into a Final Judgment of Dissolution/ Divorce or action pertaining to parental rights.  Be advised Florid Statute 61 requires the submission and ratification of a parenting plan prior to executing a Final Judgment of Dissolution/Divorce.  I have supplied a link to the Form, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me 407-772-0700 Samuel Filler, Attorney at Law

Why do I have to pay Child Support in Florida?

New Posting coming 4/10/2011:  Why do I have to pay Child Support In Florida

Friday, February 25, 2011

Is Life Too Short To Be Unhappy?

Orlando and Seminole County Divorce: 
Life Is Too Short To Be Unhappy
  It is not easy, rather it is extremely difficult to decide to begin surfing the web to begin the life altering process; however, necessary, of beginning your divorce from your spouse.  Whether you have been married for six months, six years, sixteen years, or even longer; we all must experience the pangs of the process of divorce to ensure our future happiness and the happiness of our children.  Be assured, if you do not immediately engage in this process, your problems will not just go away on their own. On the contrary, they will become worse.   
Prior to taking charge of your situation by reaching out to an experienced divorce lawyer, the gamut of emotions you are experiencing during this tumultuous time dominates and erratically changes you as a person.  The ever changing state of experiencing intense feelings of anger, despair, helplessness, fear, uncertainty, panic and sadness takes control of you.  Many times these feelings or the crippling thoughts of experiencing those feeling paralyze each one of us to the point that we become immune to our own misery.  Days, weeks, months and even years of your life are wasted in a loveless, unsupported marriage.  Your dreams, ambitions, self-confidence and ability to love wither away day by day.  You turn to indulgences of food, alcohol and stop exercising.  With each day, you fall even deeper into a depressed unproductive state, all the while your children are being extremely adversely effected by your downward spiral.
There is no easy way to say it, divorce is not easy, but how we maintain our focus and composure throughout the process will dictate the way in which we can ensure that each of our futures and our children’s futures will be prosperous.  I can help you with this.  Please call now: 407-716-4206 or visit my web site 
Be aware, despite the difficulties and unpleasantries, divorce in most cases is a necessity to ensure our happiness and the happiness of our children now and in the future.  I cringe each time I hear a client say “I stayed for the kids.”  or “We just couldn’t divorce because of the children.”  I am not a psychologist or hold any degree which qualifies me to make this statement; however, what I do have is 15 years of successfully represented hundreds of clients during their divorce and I have been divorced.  KIDS GET IT, KIDS ARE SMART.  IF MOMMY AND DADDY DON’T LOVE EACH OTHER, THEY KNOW IT.  YOU CAN NOT FAKE IT. BELIEVE ME, THE CHILDREN WILL EXPERIENCE ALL THE TENSION, ANGER, FRUSTRATION AND DESPAIR AS YOU WILL DUIRNG THE TURBULENT TIMES.  We as parents are providing the essence of how are children will formulate their beliefs about relationships.  How they will interact with their spouses or significant others, and eventually how they will interact with their own children, your grandchildren.  Living through a loveless marriage filled with anger, regret, resentment and finally indifference is not the example that either of you, Husband or Wife, want to be the example for your children when formulating what a relationship shall be.  It is your responsibility to ensure that your children’s environment is one filled with security, love and support.  
How can you do this if your environment does not provide this to you.  The simple answer is that you can not.  Your children will adapt and will thrive once they are removed from the source of turmoil, your marriage.  But you must take the enormous leap of faith, trust yourself, hire an divorce attorney who you truly have confidence in his or her ability, have a good relationship with and carefully follow his or her advice. Do not be afraid to ask very specific and hard questions and insist that the attorney thoroughly explain each and every aspect of the law and the process that you will be facing during your divorce.  Knowledge is the key to elevate your fear and worries.  If you have all the facts and know what to expect, then this will eliminate the unknown. This is a critical part of the process because it will dramatically reduce your anxiety over the pending divorce.  I give my personal cell phone to my clients 407-716-4206 and encourage them to call whenever, and I mean whenever, they deem it necessary.  That is what I am here for, to protect you, to help you through this difficult time, to ensure that you and your children are protected.  Attorneys like themselves a lot and most love to hear themselves speak, so please ask them specifically about their qualifications and experience, test them.  If that particular attorney is truly what he or she says they are, then he or she will gladly share with you this information.  If not, then thank them for their time and move on, fast.
I will finish this post with questions I ask each one of my divorce clients.  -Do you remember when you first began dating this person?  
-Do you remember how excited you were when you were getting ready to see them?  
-Do you remember the great effort that you made getting ready, picking out the perfect outfit and making sure your hair was just right?
-Do you remember the way he or she looked at you the moment your eyes met and the feelings in your stomach when you did see him or her?  
-Now ask yourself: when is the last time that you were truly excited to get ready to see this person, how did you feel when you saw him or her, how did they respond to you? 
If you can’t say exactly when it was, the feelings were great and he or she truly appreciated you when you were together, then please ask yourself this: Is Life too short to be unhappy?  The answer, I believe is a resounding yes.  Once you get this answer, then ask yourself: what type of example am I and my spouse presenting to our children and do you want them to think this is how a relationship should be?  Do you want them to experience the same despair, frustration and emptiness? Obviously, the answers to these questions are No.  Your immediate next step: call me 407-716-4206, lets get started, because Life is too short to be unhappy.   
Look for my next post, when I discuss the new laws governing child support and custody: Florida Statute 61.13

Thursday, February 10, 2011

2/10/2010 Temporary Relief Hearing

I received an incredible complement from a client (Robert) after we recessed from today's extremely contentious temporary relief hearing:  "Thank you for being there for me and my son, I'm sure glad that you are on my side.  I completely trust you... Wow you really blew them ( the other attorney and wife) away."  A client's complete trust and appreciation for all the hard work and dedication to his or her case is why I do what I do.  I, not Robert, should offer the words of appreciation to him for bestowing his trust in me and allowing me the honor of protecting he and his son.  Thank you Robert, you made my day.